About Consent Orders.

When it comes to Family Law disputes, most people think of a drawn-out process, the Courts and a price tag to go with it. The reality of the situation is that most parties opt to settle amicably, or after some brief negotiations or a mediation, and formalise the deal in either “consent orders” or a “binding financial agreement”.

A consent order is a document that is prepared by the parties or their lawyers, and signed off by them, which contains an agreement reached between them which formalises the arrangements for parenting/custody and/or financial/property matters that are entered into voluntarily by the parties (the parties often being a husband and a wife, a mother and a father, and the like).  Once signed, the consent order is sent to the court for “filing”, where it is adorned with the seal of the court and becomes legally binding.

We offer competitive, fixed fee quotes for consent orders, and packages for negotiation and consent orders. Contact us today.