About Mediation.

Mediation is a fantastic tool to settle disputes, avoid lengthy and stressful court battles and bring your parenting, property or spousal maintenance matter to a close.

We work with an expert panel of mediators and can prepare your case for mediation, attend mediation with you and provide you advice throughout the day, and formalise your agreement.

We can help with any or all of the following:

  • Advising you about alternative dispute resolution pathways including mediation.
  • Advising you about your rights and entitlements.
  • Planning and strategising prior to your mediation.
  • Preparing mediation paperwork and preparing a draft of the final parenting plan or order as a working copy for the mediation.
  • Suggesting mediators from our trusted panel.
  • Arranging your mediation.
  • Attending your mediation with you.
  • Formalising any deals or settlements reached at mediation.
  • Advising you about the next steps if mediation is not successful.
  • Assisting you in implementing the next steps after mediation has occurred.

Our solicitors have a high success rate and a passion for settling disputes – reach out and take advantage of our FREE 15 minute consult for more information.